Dakar, Senegal. September 10th, 2006 to March 10th, 2007.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Finishing Up

Hello and my apologies for not writing lately. As the end of my program is coming closer, almost all of my computer time is spent writing papers and doing research.

The last month has been good. I got to visit a more rural town called Fatick where we ate a lot, did tye dye with a woman's group and played cards with the kids. The place we stayed at was a compound with mostly women and several different houses arranged around a central courtyard with baobab trees. I don't know if I've put up any pictures of baobab trees, but you should look them up if not. They're huge and great.

Last weekend I went to the second baptism for the baby (the date had been moved back) in St. Louis, which is a calm, colonial and colorful (unintentional assonance there). The baptism was more like a party for the new mom who got dressed up twice with hair and makeup that was pretty outstanding. There was not any music unfortunately, because one of their neighbors had recently died and during the mourning time you can't play music. I was overwhelmed by the number of well dressed women, but soon found a group of little girls to play with, which was really fun. The next day was great with my Aunt's family I had just met... we cooked and hung out. Later I was lucky enough to ride home with another Aunt (the mom of Fatou Marie, who spent the trip jumping between the two back seats. I very rarely see carseats here).

I now have 3 weeks until I come home...which I am really excited for. Hopefully I will be able to put up all my pictures then and write a few more things. Until then, enjoy winter!