Dakar, Senegal. September 10th, 2006 to March 10th, 2007.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Back in Dakar

My sister brought it to my attention that I've written on Thursdays for the past three weeks...until now. Inconsistant! The fact is, I no longer have free internet access every day. Instead I am spending more time taking advantage of the city and it's many offerings, or at least trying to. Yesterday for example another student and I spent a good chunk of money to swim in the Piscine Olympique. It was really peaceful and huge and totally worth the money. I'm also trying to run more to explore the area around my house. It's not hard, but it is a task to dodge people and to pretend that I don't see them staring at me. I just figure the more I look like a 13 year old boy, the better it is, so that's what I shoot for when I leave the house.

Coming back to Dakar has been interesting for me. I can actually see how much more comfortable I am here with the culture and everything. Some new students are here, have been here for 3 weeks, and I can see them going through the same conversations that we had. They seem like trivial worries to me now, 8 weeks into my stay. At the same time it becomes more and more obvious that I will never blend in here. You may think this is a funny idea, and I myself didn't ever expect to fit in, but it's interesting to see the ways in which I've become comforable and in which I am and will always be my American self. Also interesting to see that by coming to a culture centered around groups, I feel like I'm becoming more of an individual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gosh i haven't checked back here in a while and of course you've been up to a ton of things! it seems interesting to me to analyze the way in which you learn to accept your surroundings and your situation as an obvious foreigner, and learning to live and interact with people under that presumption. it sounds like you're having a great time and making the most of it! glad to be able to read up on your activities, keep us updated.

- aaron